The Duke Center for International Development has developed strong relationships with international organizations, foundations, government agencies, and professional networks all over the globe. These unique partnerships provide engagement and scholarship opportunities for Sanford School of Public Policy students and allow our faculty and staff to remain on the cutting edge of international development policy and practice.

Research and Engagement Partners


DCID works with the Research Technical Assistance Center (RTAC) as part of its network of university affiliated scholars and development experts worldwide providing technical and scientific expertise to USAID.


The Southeast Asia Research Group (SEAREG) is an active network of scholars in political science and related fields who are working at the forefront of Southeast Asian studies in North America.


DCID is a member of the U.S. chapter of the Society for International Development, an international network founded in 1957 to serve as a global forum dedicated to sustainable economic, social and political development. 


DCID is an organizational member of Devex, a social enterprise and media platform for the global development community. Devex aims to connect and inform development, health, humanitarian, and sustainability professionals through news, business intelligence, and funding and career opportunities in international development. 


DCID's collaboration with Oxfam America includes guest lectures and visiting practitioners, internship and master’s program project opportunities, and joint research between Duke and Oxfam experts. 


DCID is an associate partner for the PACES project, which aims to encourage migration policymakers to adopt migration science as the basis for migration policymaking.