Established in 2013, the Southeast Asia Research Group (SEAREG) highlights the best new research by young social scientists working on Southeast Asian politics and fosters a network of scholars in political science and allied disciplines who are working at the forefront of Southeast Asian studies.

Research Driven

Southeast Asia Research Group

We promote research on Southeast Asia that is theoretically informed, analytically sophisticated, and methodologically precise; which is rooted in in one or more Southeast Asian countries; and which contributes to basic debates in contemporary political science and allied disciplines.

A Community of Scholars

SEAREG events offer several opportunities for networking with members of the academic community across social science disciplines as well as giving and receiving feedback on emerging research and exchanging ideas to advance scholarly knowledge of the region.

Learn more about us.



2024 Winter Conference

Mark your calendars to join us December 5-7, 2024, at Boston University for our winter conference! More information to come.

Conference Info

SEAREG Fellow Nominations

Know an outstanding emerging scholar of Southeast Asia? Nominate them to be a SEAREG Fellow! Self-nominations are accepted (and encouraged). Nominees should either be advanced PhD candidates expected to complete their degree within the year or recent graduates no more than 3-4 years post-PhD.

Nominate a fellow

Call for Paper / Panel Proposals

Mid-/Advanced-Career Thematic Sessions at the SEAREG Conference provide more established scholars of Southeast Asia the opportunity to present their research and gain valuable feedback from the SEAREG community.

Learn more