
2023-24 Highlights

  • Twenty-five students began the Master of International Development Policy program. The group has an average of eight years of professional experience and represents 19 countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Cameroon, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa), Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Myanmar, Palestine, Peru, Philippines, Poland, South Korea, Turkey, United States and Venezuela.
  • Twenty-six fellows graduated with the MIDP degree.
  • Sixteen students earned the International Development Policy Certificate.

Class of 2024

Twenty-six MIDP fellows participated in the Sanford School of Public Policy graduate degree ceremony on May 10. Later that day, about 70 fellows, faculty, families and friends celebrated the graduates at Family Night, which included dinner and sharing stories about the MIDP experience.

Graduation Profiles


Goharik Tigranyan joined Duke MIDP to help her analyze and understand problems from different perspectives and approaches. She'll use her new knowledge and skills as a democracy officer in her home country, Armenia. Read Goharik's story.


After completing the Duke MIDP, Imad Alhajj, a Syrian-Kurdish-born humanitarian professional, hopes to provide evidence-based policy guidance on how to engage with and empower the work of local Syrian NGOs and civil society. Read Imad's story.


For Jorge Delgado Golusda, who served 18 years in the Chilean Army, the Duke MIDP was an opportunity to add the technical skills he needed in order to reach a higher decision-making level in his career. Read Jorge's story.


Christian Menin plans to use his knowledge and experiences gained from the Duke MIDP to advance peacebuilding dialogue, support political efforts and promote development in conflicted and post-conflict regions. Read Christian's story.


After working for think tanks, NGOs and the Peace Corps, Rachel Ansley decided to join Duke MIDP to be better prepared to connect policy design and implementation. Read Rachel's story.


Driven by a desire to champion equitable healthcare access, Solomon Ayehu, a medical practioner from Ethiopia, joined Duke MIDP to connect international development and global health policy. Read Solomon's story.

Master's Projects

Projects by Term

  • Mamuroh Mamuroh, “Enhancing Indonesia’s Taxation for Addressing Income Inequality” (MP advisor: Sebastian James)
  • Ferianto Wardani, “Optimizing Indonesia's Carbon Tax Policy for Emission Reduction and Revenue Generation” (MP advisor: Sebastian James)
  • Agastya Yeachuri, “Exploring alternative forms of pension provision and financing: Are there viable and sustainable pension provision and financing alternatives to the existing social insurance scheme, to address issues of low enrollment, inconsistent contributions and low pension adequacy, particularly for the informal sector in Vietnam?” (MP advisor: Sebastian James)
  • Muhammad (Adam) Nugroho, “Unlocking the Potential of Indonesian SMEs through Enhanced Tax Compliance” (MP advisor: GP Shukla)
  • Siyao Chen, “Navigating Gansu's Path to Development: Addressing Gansu’s Regional Disparities” (MP advisor: Natalia Mirovitskaya)
  • Mira Jeyacalathevan, “What the Indian government can do to increase female labor force participation” (MP advisor: Cory Krupp)
  • “Introducing carbon credit mechanism in Bhutan,” Tashi Choden (MP advisor: Natalia Mirovitskaya)
  • Estefania Rodriguez Martinez, “Latinos Health Journey: A Cross-Country Comparative Analysis and Community-Informed Policy Implementation in North Carolina Amid Medicaid Expansion Opportunities” (MP advisor: Kate Bundorf)
  • Solomon Ayehu, “Availability of doctors and health outcomes: What are the primary factors influencing the decision of doctors to migrate abroad?” (MP advisor: Manoj Mohanan)
  • Jorge Delgado Golusda,“Balancing Border Security and Human Rights: Strategies for Chile's Use of the Armed Forces for Irregular Migration Management” (MP advisor: Kerilyn Schewel)
  • Imad Alhajj, "Advancing Peacebuilding Through Promoting Human Rights and Inclusive Governance. North and East Syria as a Case Study" (MP advisor: Maureen Moriarty)
  • Rachel Ansley, “Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Programs in Yemen” (MP advisor: Maureen Moriarty)
  • Fiona Ouma, “Strengthening Climate Adaptation and Resilience among Small Scale Women Farmers through Gender Responsive Climate Finance in Rural Kenya” (MP advisor: Natalia Mirovitskaya)
  • Vu Ngoc (Mai) Nguyen, “Managing Social Insurance Premiums in Vietnam” (MP advisor: Edmund Malesky)
  • Ainur Tuimebekova, “Financing for Sustainable Development: Private Sector Engagement in the Projects of KazAID” (MP advisor: Edmund Malesky)
  • Jeongsu Lee, “Improving Intelligence Integration in South Korea” (MP advisor: Tim Nichols)
  • Chone Chaowai, “Balancing Interests: Addressing the conflicts between the Thai government’s management of natural protected areas and the rights of the indigenous people and local communities” (MP advisor: Natalia Mirovitskaya)
  • Christian Menin, “End of violence and political stabilization to rebuild state capacity in a fragile state: possible solutions for Haiti” (MP advisor: Ken Rogerson)
  • Goharik Tigranyan, “Financing Disability-Inclusive Education in Armenia: The gaps in financial mechanisms and funding models to ensure equitable access to education for children with disabilities” (MP advisor: Sarah Komisarow)
  • Delia Gisselle Alarcon Ramirez, “Foreign Aid and Development in Paraguay: A Comprehensive Analysis of Health Sector Impacts” (MP advisor: Sarah Bermeo)
  • Andi Mujollari, “Increasing energy security in Albania through green hydrogen production” (MP advisor: Natalia Mirovitskaya)
  • Kate Fox, "Increasing Effectiveness of USAID HIV/AIDs Programming in Tanzania: Addressing Gaps for LGBTQI+ Communities" (MP advisor: Stephen Buckley)
  • Sudarsana Sahoo, "Improving the Attractiveness of Indian Government Bonds for Foreign Portfolio Investors" (MP advisor: Cory Krupp)
  • Amr Alamri, “Sustainable Desalination: Balancing Freshwater Needs and Environmental Impact in Saudi Arabia” (MP advisor: Fernando Fernholz)
  • Xueping (Coco) Cao, “Education Policy Reform in China Addressing Education Inequality for Children with Disabilities in Western China” (MP advisor: Natalia Mirovitskaya)
  • Sangjoon Hong, “Mobilizing Financial and Fiscal Policies to Relieve Households' Suboptimal Retirement Income Preparation in Korea's Super-Aging Society” (MP advisor: Manoj Mohanan)
  • Giljung Kim, “The Promotion of South Korean Private Sector Companies to Participate in Public-Private Partnerships of Asian Roads Construction Projects” (MP advisor: Fernando Fernholz)
  • Wookeun Yang, “Korean Government’s Policy Reaction to EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism” (MP advisor: G.P. Shukla)
  • Boram Chen, “Assessing the Fiscal Sustainability and Vulnerability in Korea” (MP advisor: Cory Krupp)
  • Hyeyoung Ko, “How Can the Korean Government Reduce the Household Burden Caused by Soaring Energy Prices?” (MP advisor: Cory Krupp)

Summer 2024 Internships

Several MIDP Fellows completed internships this summer with non-profits, think tanks, governments and research institutions. Some of the organizations included:

  • Natural Resources Defense Council
  • Results for America
  • NYU Center on International Cooperation
  • Housing for New Hope
  • University of Chicago Development Innovation Center
  • University of Nevada
  • Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy of Albania
  • The Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity at Duke University
  • The Albanian Center for Population and Development
  • The Piarist Province of Central Africa
  • Five One Labs
  • World Bank Group 
  • Oxfam America

"As a Water and Agriculture Fellow under the Nature department, I am working on two main projects with my Soil team: reducing nitrogen overapplication and understanding organic seeds on EU Farms."

Aleksandra Zaborowska MIDP’25 interned with the Natural Resources Defense Council, splitting time between its offices in California and Washington, D.C. Read about Aleksandra's internship.

International Development Policy Certificate

Fourteen Duke University students and two University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill students earned the certificate in International Development Policy (IDP) from the Duke Center for International Development. The certificate program provides graduate and professional students from across Duke, as well as neighboring inter-institutional partners, an opportunity to complement their degree curriculum with courses focused on international development.

School/ProgramCertificate Recipients
Duke MBA1
Duke Master of Environmental Management6
Duke Master of Public Policy6
Duke MPP/MBA Dual Degree1
UNC Global Studies M.A.2

"The IDP Certificate...allows students from across the university the opportunity to complement their disciplinary studies with a deep, rich focus on development, emerging markets, and the environment." -Ryan Van Slyke MBA'24

While completing his MBA from Duke Fuqua, Ryan also earned the IDP certificate.

Alumni Network

Alumni News

Where is the Class of 2023?

  • FHI 360
  • Fresh Ministries
  • Global Communities
  • GNA (A TRC company)
  • Government of India
  • Government of Indonesia
  • Government of Korea
  • Government of Saudi Arabia
  • Government of Seychelles
  • Korean Overseas International Cooperation Agency
  • Ministry of Finance, Government of Indonesia
  • Northwestern University, MBA
  • United Nations Secretariat
  • University of California at Berkley, PhD
  • U.S. Institute for Peace

The Duke Master of International Development Policy (MIDP) is a self-designed, interdisciplinary degree that equips mid-career professionals from around the world with the analytical tools and technical expertise necessary to become global leaders in sustainable development efforts.