The Magdalena Yesil Visiting Professorship program brings a scholar or practitioner of merit in the field of nation building, conflict resolution or sustainable development, with particular attention to Armenia and the surrounding region, to Duke University to conduct research.
At Duke, the Yesil Visiting Professor will have the opportunity to conduct research and teach alongside scholars from a variety of disciplines with expertise in such areas as conflict resolution, ethics and policy-making, globalization and governance, and sustainable development in transitional countries.
The Yesil Visiting Professor enhances the understanding of conflict resolution in Armenia and the surrounding region by:
- Teaching courses on conflict resolution with a focus on the Caucasus in general, and Armenia in particular
- Continuing their own research in such areas as economic development in cransitional countries with a focus on poverty alleviation, environmental conflict and cooperation, the role of negotiation in resolving conflicts in the region, and violence, ethnicity, and religion
- Working with the faculty and students involved with the International Peace and Conflict Transformation graduate certificate program, as well as the Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center t0 advance regional and international peacebuilding
- Collaborating with colleagues who teach in the International Development Policy graduate certificate program and are affiliated with the Duke Center for International Development.
Become part of a growing cohort of scholars, practitioners and professionals who have worked at Duke to foster peaceful conflict resolution and sustainable development.