New Partnership

DCID joined a consortium of European institutions as an associate partner for the PACES project, which aims to encourage migration policymakers to adopt migration science as the basis for migration policymaking. Kerilyn Schewel will work with the group to make conceptual contributions and advise on research in Ethiopia. She presented at the PACES kick-off meeting held in April at the International Institute of Social Studies.


Launching the Program on Climate-Related Migration

With seed funding from Duke’s Office of Global Affairs (OGA), the Duke Program on Climate-Related Migration (PCRM) formally launched in November 2022 with a workshop, “Climate-Related Migration: Transdisciplinary Research Informing Policy Solutions." The event featured expertise from the natural and social sciences at Duke to answer questions related to the multi-dimensional aspects of the links between climate change and migration, and to discuss broader implications for societies and the crafting of effective policies. The panel was moderated by journalist Dara Lind. Panelists included Drew Shindell, Nicholas Distinguished Professor of Earth Science in the Nicholas School of the Environment; Erika Weinthal, professor of environmental policy and public policy in the Nicholas School of the Environment; and PCRM co-directors Sarah Bermeo, associate professor of public policy and political science in the Sanford School of Public Policy; and Kerilyn Schewel, lecturing fellow at the Duke Center for International Development. 


The PCRM serves as a cross-disciplinary platform that brings together researchers, practitioners and policymakers to look more deeply into the interconnected nature of climate change and global migration. 

Working through the Research Technical Assistance Center, the PCRM team led a review of current literature on two areas for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The first identified potential climate “game changers” that could radically impact development and assessed potential solutions. The second evaluated the strengths, limitations and real-world application of climate-related migration forecasting models.

In summer 2023, PCRM supported three Duke graduate students to attend the 2023 International School on Climate Migration, hosted by the SOAS University of London and Earth Refuge.

DCID Research Seminars

Lecturing Fellow Rachel George organized research seminars for the DCID community and development-focused researchers across the wider Duke research community. Scholars presented early-stage research projects and ideas, research in progress and/or recently published work, and received feedback from peers.

  • Climate-related forecasting prediction migration – Kerilyn Schewel, Eddy Malesky 
  • Human trafficking, illicit timber and corruption in Mozambique – Maureen Lempke
  • The long run impacts of war using the case of Bosnia – Charles Becker, Peter Devine
  • The Civilian Cost of Casualty Aversion: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Iraq – Benjamin Krick, Jonathan Petkun, Mara Revkin 
  • Drivers of migration and immobility in Zambia – Aneta Seidlová, Eliška Masná
  • Wrestling with the Strong: Crisis Bargaining and Authoritarian Politics under Power AsymmetryÜndes (Tusi Wen) 

Aneta Seidlová and Eliška Masná, visiting research fellows and doctoral students at Charles University, presented on the drivers of migration and immobility in Zambia.

Select Publications

Ghada Ahmed MIDP'10, founder & CEO of Insurgent Business Analytics and DCID senior fellow, co-authored the "The seabob value chain in Guyana" report for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Senior Fellow Stacey Frederick authored "Roles of the Business Environment in Global Value Chains," a technical report for the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development Business Environment Working Group.

Gary Gereffi, professor emeritus, authored "How to Make Global Supply Chains More Resilient," published in Columbia FDI Perspectives, and co-authored "Using the global value chain framework to analyse and tackle global environmental crises," published in Journal of Industrial and Business Economics.

Gary Gereffi, Senior Fellow Karina Fernandez-Stark MIDP '07 and Senior Fellow Penny Bamber co-edited the book China's New Developing Strategies: Upgrading from Above and from Below in Global Value Chains, published by Palgrave Macmillian. Fernandez-Stark also contributed to the collective project North America 2.0 | Forging a Continental Future, published by The Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Danny (Dayne) Hamrick, director of MIDP admissions and research affiliate, co-authored "Distillations of authenticity: a comparative global value chain analysis of pisco," published in Regional Studies.

Associate Professor Marc Jeuland co-authored the following:

Bruce Jentleson, William Preston Few Professor of Public Policy, co-authored "Bridging the Gap in a Changing World: New Opportunities and Challenges for Engaging Practitioners and the Public," published in International Studies Perspectives.

Roy Kelly, professor of the practice of public policy, co-authored “Personal Income Tax Piggybacking,” a report published by the World Bank.

Anirudh Krishna, Edgar T. Thompson Distinguished Professor of Public Policy, co-authored "The impact of Covid-19 on household poverty: examining impacts and resilience in a 40-year timeframe in rural Rajasthan (India)," published in Oxford Development Studies.

DCID Director Edmund Malesky co-authored the following:

Mark and Lynne Florian Assistant Professor Robyn Meeks co-authored "Reducing information barriers to solar adoption: Experimental evidence from India," published in Energy Economics.

Creed C. Black Professor Manoj Mohanan co-authored the following:

Lecturing Fellow Maureen Moriarty Lempke authored "Preventing misallocation or misuse of peacebuilding funds – Effective measures," published in Swisspeace’s à propos. She also co-authored "Necessary complexity in the Anthropocene: new approaches in socio-ecological systems thinking, Do No Harm, and fragility integration," published in Development in Practice.

Professor Alex Pfaff co-authored:

Associate Research Professor Dirk Philipsen authored "What Counts—Why Growth Economics is Failing Us," published in Journal of Consumer Culture.

Associate Professor Marcos Rangel co-authored "Learners in Cities: Agglomeration and the Spatial Division of Cognition," published in Regional Science and Urban Economics.

Lecturing Fellow Kerilyn Schewel authored "Who Counts as a Climate Migrant?," published by the Migration Policy Institute.